K-IMS – Kongsberg Information Management System
K-IMS is a communications platform designed to enable continuous access to data, both on board and ashore, through an interactive web-based solution, and to provide an efficient information flow.
K-Nav – Navigation solutions and products
K-Nav is a family of standalone navigation products tailored to meet statutory requirements from IMO/SOLAS and maritime flag states. The family includes certified radar, ECDIS and autopilot systems along with the navigation sensors required by these systems.
K-Chief – Integrated marine automation system
The K-Chief marine automation system is a distributed monitoring and control system covering all important functions onboard a vessel or offshore structure such as; power management, auxiliary machinery, ballast/bunker monitoring and cargo monitoring

K-Power – Marine electrical power systems
K-Power is a suite of digitalized marine power components that create a fully integrated dynamic energy management system for ships, covering power and energy management, electric & hybrid propulsion, marine switchboard and marine power drives.
K-Gauge – Cargo monitoring and control system
K-Gauge is a highly integrated system incorporating level gauging, temperature and pressure monitoring, valve and pump control.
K-POS DP – Dynamic Positioning System
The K-Pos dynamic positioning systems consist of a DP controller unit and dedicated operator stations. The systems are modular and can satisfy any DP Class. The controller unit and the operator stations communicate via a dual high-speed
data network. The system is designed to minimize fuel consumption and wear and tear on propulsion equipment.
For more detailed information on these solutions and to see the complete Full Picture portfolio from KONGSBERG, visit www.kongsberg.com/maritime